

Mar 11 Tue
Mar 11 Tue
Mar 11 Tue

360 Design Budapest Exhibition Broke Attendance Records

Budapest Design Week’s highlighted event, the Red Dot Award-winning 360 Design Budapest, generated outstanding interest among professionals and the general public; the exhibition presented works by over 100 Hungarian and regional contemporary creators, attracting an absolute record number of nearly 5,000 visitors. Those interested could view nearly 300 design objects and works of applied and… Keep reading
Mar 11 Tue

The Fifth 360 Design Budapest to Showcase Its Largest Selection Yet

The 360 Design Budapest exhibition, organised by the Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency (HFDA) for the fifth time, will welcome visitors to a historic venue in Budapest. The event will display over 200 works by more creators than ever in 2024. 360 Design Budapest will be realised as the central exhibition of Budapest Design Week… Keep reading
Mar 11 Tue

360 Design Budapest Guides You into the World of Regional Design in Mid-October

The Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency (HFDA) is organising the 360 Design Budapest exhibition between the 15th and the 20th of October 2024 in the historic building of the Nyugati Railway Station. The regional exhibition will open its doors for the fifth time to domestic and international design enthusiasts, focusing on the reinterpretation of artistic… Keep reading
Mar 11 Tue

Októberben minden eddiginél gazdagabb programmal vár a 360 Design Budapest

A Magyar Divat & Design Ügynökség október 17. és 22. között rendezi meg a 360 Design Budapest kiállítást az Adria-palotában, ahol a hazai, valamint regionális tervezők alkotásai, szakmai előadások és izgalmas programok széles palettája várja az érdeklődőket. Akik közelebbről is ismerik a design világát, olyan nemzetközileg elismert neveket is felfedezhetnek a résztvevők között, mint a… Keep reading
Mar 11 Tue

Pioneers of recycling in the design sector: the Draga & Aurel designer duo

The Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency organised the 360 Design Budapest exhibition for the third time in October. Similarly, to previous years, those interested could hear presentations by internationally acknowledged professionals, expanding their knowledge about the world of art and design. The designer duo, Draga Obradovic and Aurel K. Basedow, also took part in the… Keep reading
Mar 11 Tue

The Italian star architect, Piero Lissoni also presented at this year’s 360 Design Budapest

The Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency organised the 360 Design Budapest exhibition, which was very successful in previous years as well, between the 3rd and 9th of October for the third time. Several outstanding designers of the international design scene accepted the invitation to give a keynote speech about their jobs to the listeners. Thus,… Keep reading
Mar 11 Tue

360 Design Budapest exhibition concluded with full-house presentations and almost 3500 visitors

October means design! The Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency (HFDA) awaited those interested in design to 360 Design Budapest for the third time this year. The exhibition space realised in Bálna Budapest was filled with over 100 innovative design objects by more than 40 designers between the 3rd and the 9th of October. In addition, visitors could… Keep reading
Mar 11 Tue

Starting today, the 360 Design Budapest exhibition welcomes everyone with numerous programmes and innovative design objects for a week

Between the 3rd and the 9th of October, you can view talented Hungarian and regional designers’ innovative creations for a week, including only virtually displayed pieces as part of this year’s concept based on digitalisation. Those interested can meet more than 40 product designers as well as world-famous designers like Piero Lissoni. The programme event… Keep reading
Mar 11 Tue

More than 30 domestic design brands and unique programmes at the third 360 Design Budapest exhibition

The 360 Design Budapest exhibition will be held again between the 3rd and 9th of October in Bálna Budapest. The event will await design enthusiasts with a new concept, a digital section within the physical exhibition space, exciting product design solutions and numerous professional programmes. Besides domestic creators, over 10 regional designers will display their… Keep reading
Mar 11 Tue

Egyedi, időtálló designtermékek gyereknapi meglepetésként

Közeleg a gyereknap, így összegyűjtöttünk nektek néhány ajándéktippet, amiket a legkisebbek is biztosan hatalmas örömmel fogadnának! A 2020-as, illetve 2021-es 360 Design Budapest kiállítás keretében számos magyar formatervező mutathatta be egyedi munkáit, amelyek ajándékötletnek is kitűnőek lehetnek. A tervezők alkotásai között találhatunk gyerekeknek szánt termékeket is, többek között hintalovat, kis asztalt vagy akár kirakós játékokat.… Keep reading