Press room



Budapest Design Week and 360 Design Budapest Attracted an Outstanding Number of Visitors

Budapest, 22nd of October 2024 – Budapest Design Week is the most comprehensive creative industry event series featuring the largest number of programs and extending beyond the capital, serving as the annual showcase for the Hungarian design profession. This year, more than 20,000 people visited the nearly 130 design programs held in Budapest, Pécs, and… Keep reading

360 Design Budapest Showcases the Finest of the Contemporary Creative Industry at a Historic Venue

Budapest, 15th October 2024 – 360 Design Budapest, recognised with the Red Dot Award and several other international design awards, is opening its gates for the fifth time to an audience interested in creative industry novelties. The exhibition, presenting nearly 300 pieces of furniture, home decor accessories, and applied and fine arts objects, will offer insight… Keep reading

More Than 200 Design Objects and Artworks Will Be Displayed at the 360 Design Budapest Exhibition

The 360 Design Budapest exhibition, organised for the fifth time by the Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency (HFDA), will open to the public this year at a site known as an architectural masterpiece of the past. The exhibition, featuring international and Hungarian creators, returns in 2024 with a fresh concept, now as the central show… Keep reading

Új helyszínen, a régió kulturális sokszínűségére építő programmal érkezik a 360 Design Budapest

Negyedik alkalommal rendezi meg a Magyar Divat & Design Ügynökség (MDDÜ) a 360 Design Budapest rendezvénysorozatot, amely most először a formatervezők mellett, az ipar– és képzőművészek alkotásait is bemutatja. Közel 60 ismert és feltörekvő hazai, valamint regionális alkotók közel 170 tárgya és terméke, szakmai előadások, exkluzív tárlatvezetések és további, izgalmas programok, side eventek várják az… Keep reading

Record number of visitors at the 360 Design Budapest exhibition

A record number of visitors turned up for the first 360 Design Budapest exhibition organised by the Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency (HFDA) as a professional partner to the Budapest Design Week. The exhibition was offered both offline and online where the focus was on twenty Hungarian and four international designers. Despite the restrictions posed… Keep reading

World-class Hungarian designers take the main stage at the 360 Design Budapest exhibitions

In the first half of October, the spotlight will be on design: the HFDA, joining Design Week Budapest event series, will launch its unique programme series on the 8th of October, highlighting the special role design has in adding colour and vibrance to our everyday lives. Those interested can get to know the domestic and… Keep reading